The thought of duck hunting brings to mind heading out to the blind at the break of dawn, listening to the whistling of wings, and the smell of spent shells. Duck hunting involves quite a bit of...
Hunters must understand their target's biology to effectively hunt it; this includes understanding what it eats. A hunter that knows what their quarry is eating throughout the hunting season, and how...
With turkey season fast approaching, many of us are switching gears from deer and ducks to refocus our attention on longbeards. Some hunters have more time to spend in the woods than others, and you...
If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve probably had a successful hunt or are getting ahead of the game and doing research before you harvest an animal. Meat from wild game is the healthiest and...
Hunting from the elevated position and concealment of a treestand is often preferred by most hunters, but there are significant advantages to knowing when and how to employ the use of a ground blind...
Ask any waterfowl hunter in the United States what duck they think is the most beautiful; their answer is likely the wood duck. Wood ducks are beautiful ducks, and they taste great too. Many hunters...