If you are trying to manage your deer, there is always a difficult decision to make when a spike steps in front of you. Do you shoot him or not? Well, many people think you should cull a spike buck,...
So you decided to ditch the bulky climber stand and pick up a saddle kit. You made a great choice! It’s lighter, more mobile, and provides much better cover than a traditional stand. While looking...
If you are used to hunting out of a ladder or climbing stand, it is only natural to feel less secure in a hunting saddle. Generally, climber and ladder stands are super sturdy and safe. So standing...
There are plenty of hunters that smoke, and many of them choose to smoke while in the stand. Hunters have gone back and forth for years debating on whether or not whitetails can smell cigarette...
Saddle hunting is an awesome way to hunt whitetail deer, and any serious whitetail hunter definitely needs to give it a try. Although if you are a rifle hunter, saddle hunting can come with a number...
Tree saddles have been around for a while, but it seems like they are just starting to go mainstream in the hunting community. So, what does it take to start saddle hunting? Well, with one quick...