You likely have plenty of ideas of where you may want to hunt on your property, but which area is the best? If you have a lot of agricultural fields on your property, should you hunt those? What...
During the fall, hunters always want to “fill the freezer”. That is great, but how long can we actually store wild game in a freezer? Some of us try our best to literally fill our freezers full...
Rattling is an effective strategy to bring in bucks looking for a fight, or just curious ones, but when is the best time to rattle? Well, that can be hard to say because, to be honest, rattling...
One of the most aggravating things in the world, as a hunter, is to sit in your stand all day and not see a deer. This is especially annoying if it happens often. If you are hunting an area and are...
It is easy for many hunters to overlook the doe bleat in light of a grunt call, but it can actually be very useful. There have been plenty of situations where I have been able to bring in bucks and...
Knowing when and how to hunt over scrapes is a pivotal part of being a successful whitetail deer hunter. These markings are utilized by bucks in a way that acts as a calling card for deer in a...