Hey there! Thanks for checking out my newsletter. This is something I really like to do on top of the blog because it is a bit more personal than you just checking my homepage for new articles every now and again. You can reply to any of my emails to talk to me directly, be a part of short poles I do for articles, and see some awesome exclusive content!
So what can you expect to get out of this weekly newsletter? Let’s take a look,
- A weekly email focused on some topic related to whitetail hunting
- A featured article related to the same topic
- Gear recommendations
- Interesting & helpful videos focused on each week’s topic.
- A few extra articles from Omega Outdoors that you might not have seen yet
- Giveaway shoutouts!
That is a rough outline, but every week is different! You’ve got nothing to lose by signing up, it is 100% free, and you can unsubscribe at any time if you think the content sucks. (but I don’t think you will 🙂 )