Do you know the specifics of the rut? What exactly is the rut? Why is there a rut and what triggers it? When is the rut, or how long is it? We will explore these questions and see how we can use...
Have you ever stopped to think why whitetail deer make rubs, or how you could use rubs to your advantage as a hunter? There are more reasons then you might think.
Have you ever wondered "Can hunting be a job"? Everyone dreams of doing what they love for a living. If you could get paid to be a hunter would you do it? Of course! But it is a lot harder than it...
Aging a whitetail in the field can be an important aspect of your hunt. Trying to hold out for a mature buck has become an increasingly popular management strategy. Every single buck is different...
Melanistic whitetails are the absolute rarest form of whitetail known; Although, a few hunters in parts of Texas have actually had the chance to harvest these animals. Truth be told, not very much is...
Every hunter has a basic load out of items that they make sure to bring every single trip. In this list, we make sure to cover every item you might need in the woods. This list may be a little long...