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- TideWe Vis Master Hunting Blind [Hands-on Review]A solid hunting blind is a great tool to have in the deer woods. While they are not as mobile as something like a climber stand or a tree saddle,
- How To Hunt Velvet BucksA buck in velvet is a trophy most hunters only dream of getting the opportunity to wrap a tag on. There is something about velvet antlers that fascinates even the
- TideWe DeepWade Waders [Hands-on Review]Besides an oiled up Remington 870, the most important piece of gear any waterfowl hunter could have is a good set of waders. The wrong waders can ruin a hunt,
- Are Whitetail Deer Overpopulated? [3 Studies Explained]Between the roadkill and the backyard, it seems that whitetail deer are everywhere, especially here in the southeast. It seems like I see a group of deer every day, if
- Are Food Plots Legal? [Everything to Know]There isn’t much that hunters won’t do to bag a buck big enough to hang on the wall. Some will wear doe urine like it’s cologne or spend weeks sitting
- Sitka Core Merino Half Zip & Thermals [Hands-on Review]Every hunter loves good hunting gear. The better your gear, the more prepared you will be, and ideally the more successful you will be. Although good gear comes with a
- You’re Hunting The Moon All Wrong [Adam Hays Interview]Shooting not only mature deer, but giant mature deer, is a task that most hunters never complete. Mature bucks are truly a different animal than a young deer. They are
- What Time Do Turkeys Come Off The Roost?As a hunter, you know that timing is essential to successful turkey hunting. Knowing when and where to find the birds is key to success. One of the most important
- Your First Time at a Deer Processor [Cost, Time, & Cuts]If you have never been to a deer processor before, or shot a deer, the whole process can be a little intimidating. After you get your deer ready to go,
- The Best Turkey Calls to Use During the Spring SeasonTurkeys, like all other animals, have a vocabulary that they use to communicate with one another throughout the year. The calls they make vary depending on the season. Although spring
- How Often Should You Hunt the Same Deer Stand?Hunters, and people in general, will find a way to disagree about almost anything. How often you should hunt from the same deer stand is no exception to that rule.
- What Time of Day Are Most Mature Bucks Killed?Hunting mature bucks is a skill set in and of itself. They are cautious and by no means reach their age by being reckless. Taking a mature buck isn’t something
- What Is The Best Type of Shotgun Choke For Duck Hunting?The thought of duck hunting brings to mind heading out to the blind at the break of dawn, listening to the whistling of wings, and the smell of spent shells.
- What Do Wild Turkeys Eat? [10 Studies Compiled]Hunters must understand their target’s biology to effectively hunt it; this includes understanding what it eats. A hunter that knows what their quarry is eating throughout the hunting season, and
- What Time of Day Are Turkeys Most Active?With turkey season fast approaching, many of us are switching gears from deer and ducks to refocus our attention on longbeards. Some hunters have more time to spend in the
- DIY Deer Processing VS Using A Professional ProcessorIf you’ve landed on this page, you’ve probably had a successful hunt or are getting ahead of the game and doing research before you harvest an animal. Meat from wild
- When to Use a Ground Blind to Get a HUGE AdvantageHunting from the elevated position and concealment of a treestand is often preferred by most hunters, but there are significant advantages to knowing when and how to employ the use
- Three Decoy Spreads Specifically For Wood DucksAsk any waterfowl hunter in the United States what duck they think is the most beautiful; their answer is likely the wood duck. Wood ducks are beautiful ducks, and they
- SpyPoint FLEX Trail Camera [Hands-on Review]If you’ve made the transition over to cellular cameras, the first thing you will notice is how expensive they are. So when SpyPoint came out with a camera that had
- Is Deer Hunting All Day Long Worth It? [The TRUTH]Deer hunting is often a game of patience and persistence. Many hunters, myself included, often wonder when they should call it quits for the day. Sometimes it’s perfectly fine or