Whitetail Deer Hunting
“Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.” – Fred Bear
Most Recent Whitetail Deer Articles
How To Hunt Velvet Bucks
A buck in velvet is a trophy most hunters only dream of getting the opportunity to wrap a tag on. There is something about velvet antlers that fascinates even the
Are Whitetail Deer Overpopulated? [3 Studies Explained]
Between the roadkill and the backyard, it seems that whitetail deer are everywhere, especially here in the southeast. It seems like I see a group of deer every day, if
Are Food Plots Legal? [Everything to Know]
There isn’t much that hunters won’t do to bag a buck big enough to hang on the wall. Some will wear doe urine like it’s cologne or spend weeks sitting
You’re Hunting The Moon All Wrong [Adam Hays Interview]
Shooting not only mature deer, but giant mature deer, is a task that most hunters never complete. Mature bucks are truly a different animal than a young deer. They are
Your First Time at a Deer Processor [Cost, Time, & Cuts]
If you have never been to a deer processor before, or shot a deer, the whole process can be a little intimidating. After you get your deer ready to go,
How Often Should You Hunt the Same Deer Stand?
Hunters, and people in general, will find a way to disagree about almost anything. How often you should hunt from the same deer stand is no exception to that rule.
What Time of Day Are Most Mature Bucks Killed?
Hunting mature bucks is a skill set in and of itself. They are cautious and by no means reach their age by being reckless. Taking a mature buck isn’t something
DIY Deer Processing VS Using A Professional Processor
If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve probably had a successful hunt or are getting ahead of the game and doing research before you harvest an animal. Meat from wild
When to Use a Ground Blind to Get a HUGE Advantage
Hunting from the elevated position and concealment of a treestand is often preferred by most hunters, but there are significant advantages to knowing when and how to employ the use
SpyPoint FLEX Trail Camera [Hands-on Review]
If you’ve made the transition over to cellular cameras, the first thing you will notice is how expensive they are. So when SpyPoint came out with a camera that had
Is Deer Hunting All Day Long Worth It? [The TRUTH]
Deer hunting is often a game of patience and persistence. Many hunters, myself included, often wonder when they should call it quits for the day. Sometimes it’s perfectly fine or
How Does Scent Control Work? [My Complete Routine]
Scent control is a subject of friendly debate and an incredible niche in the hunting industry. Some hunters bathe head to toe in scent-blocking soap and use all kinds of
5 Public Land Friendly & Affordable Tree Stands
Many hunters aren’t able to access private land and are left with one option, public land hunting. The good news is that there are well over 750 million acres of
A Beginners Guide to Aging Deer Meat
Aging meat has been a necessary practice for thousands of years. Along the way, there have been plenty of methods developed. Some hunters need a method that is easy, yet
What Should You Wear While Hunting in a Ground Blind?
For those of us used to hunting in elevated treestands, a ground blind provides a new perspective on hunting. They provide a whole host of new advantages. With the hunting
What Should You Have In Your Ground Blind?
Ground blinds are an incredible tool to have at your disposal for hunting white-tailed deer, turkeys, antelope, and practically any other big game animal. Most are portable, easy to set
How High Should You Hang Your Deer Stand? [200 Hunters Surveyed]
No matter if you hunt with a climber, a ladder, a hang on, or a tree saddle, you have got to figure out how high you are going to climb
10 Optimal Saddle Hunting Backpacks [Any Price Range]
In the last five years, hunters have witnessed the popularity of saddle hunting explode. They do offer a ton of flexibility to your hunt. You can be much more mobile
How to Plan an Out-of-State Hunting Trip [In 6 Steps]
One of the most exciting things about hunting is exploring new areas and hunting different species. To do that, you usually have to travel out of state. These out-of-state hunts
How NOT to Spook Deer With Your Ground Blind
A ground blind is an awesome tool that all hunters should use at one time or another. Although if you have ever used a ground blind, you have probably had
Do Ground Blinds Help Scent Control? [Yes but Know THIS]
Poor scent control has spooked millions of deer, and there’s a good chance you are responsible for a couple dozen of those. We have all spooked plenty of deer, but
How Long Can You Wait to Gut & Clean a Deer?
Great, so you just shot a deer! Now the real work starts. Maybe you have been running trail cameras all season and really going hard scouting and looking for a
Does Feeding Deer Make Them Nocturnal? [Know THIS First]
One of the most aggravating things about early season deer hunting is when you have a buck on camera, and he just disappears or goes nocturnal. A bait pile is
Cull Bucks & Management Bucks [ACTUAL Herd Effect]
If you have spent any amount of time online with other deer hunters, you have definitely seen someone post a one or two year old buck with a caption of
Are Expensive Compound Bows Worth It? [The TRUTH]
If you are trying to find your next bow, or regularly look at the hottest bows like I do, you will probably notice that they just keep getting more expensive.
20 Cheap Ways to Attract Whitetail Deer [Short & Long Term]
Everything costs more these days, and that is definitely the case with hunting gear. If you are not seeing as many deer on your property as you would like, throwing
Can You Shoot a Doe With Fawns?[The REAL Impact]
In our travels as hunters, most of us have run into a situation where we have a doe tag to fill and come upon a doe that still has fawns
3 Lightweight Climber Tree Stands for Mobile Deer Hunting [2024]
The most successful deer hunters know that staying mobile can be key to their success. While there are several techniques that deer hunters can use to stay mobile, one of
How Much Meat You Get From YOUR Deer [Yield Calculator]
Deer hunting is a lot of work early in the season. You have to get your property ready, whether that means planting food plots or clearing a trail. Then you
The Saddle Hunting Essentials [A Gear Breakdown]
So, you’ve heard about saddle hunting. Fans say it’s lighter, quieter, and more comfortable than a climber or hang-on stand, and now you’re ready to give it a try. But
Do You Need a Nose or Kisser Button on a Bow?
When it comes to shooting your bow accurately, consistency and a repeatable motion are the name of the game to create pinpoint accuracy. There are a ton of add-ons that
What Should Your Bow Draw Weight Be for Whitetail Hunting?
We’ve all been at the range, and a shooting buddy walks in with a new Mathews bow tuned up to 80 pounds of draw weight. Flexing his muscles, he sends
Should You Shoot Spike Bucks? [The TRUTH]
If you are trying to manage your deer, there is always a difficult decision to make when a spike steps in front of you. Do you shoot him or not?
Can You Saddle Hunt Without a Platform?
So you decided to ditch the bulky climber stand and pick up a saddle kit. You made a great choice! It’s lighter, more mobile, and provides much better cover than
Is Saddle Hunting Safe? [What You NEED to Know]
If you are used to hunting out of a ladder or climbing stand, it is only natural to feel less secure in a hunting saddle. Generally, climber and ladder stands
Is It Better to Deer Hunt in the Woods, or Field Edges?
You likely have plenty of ideas of where you may want to hunt on your property, but which area is the best? If you have a lot of agricultural fields
How Long Does Deer Meat Last in the Freezer?
During the fall, hunters always want to “fill the freezer”. That is great, but how long can we actually store wild game in a freezer? Some of us try our
Do Rutting Bucks Taste Bad? [Effective Processing Methods]
Often hunters want to know if bucks taste worse during the rut. It makes sense that while they are all riled up that the testosterone and other hormones would have
Can Deer Smell Cigarette Smoke? [How NOT to Spook Deer]
There are plenty of hunters that smoke, and many of them choose to smoke while in the stand. Hunters have gone back and forth for years debating on whether or
Best Deer Skinning Knives in 2024 I’ve Actually Used
As a hunter, you definitely need a good skinning knife. I know as well as anyone that trying to skin a deer with a sub-par knife is no fun and
Deer Hunting During the Red Hunter’s Moon
Hunters are always trying to find the best way to get an advantage over whitetail. So, if there was a natural factor that could tell us when whitetails were going
Rattling in the Morning vs Evening [100 Hunters Surveyed]
Rattling is an effective strategy to bring in bucks looking for a fight, or just curious ones, but when is the best time to rattle? Well, that can be hard
Why You Are Not Seeing Deer on Your Property
One of the most aggravating things in the world, as a hunter, is to sit in your stand all day and not see a deer. This is especially annoying if
When & How to Use the Mighty Doe Bleat
It is easy for many hunters to overlook the doe bleat in light of a grunt call, but it can actually be very useful. There have been plenty of situations
Can You Saddle Hunt With a Rifle? [A Simple Guide]
Saddle hunting is an awesome way to hunt whitetail deer, and any serious whitetail hunter definitely needs to give it a try. Although if you are a rifle hunter, saddle
The Best Time to Hunt Over Scrapes
Knowing when and how to hunt over scrapes is a pivotal part of being a successful whitetail deer hunter. These markings are utilized by bucks in a way that acts
How Much Does a Tree Saddle Cost? [Compiled Table]
Tree saddles have been around for a while, but it seems like they are just starting to go mainstream in the hunting community. So, what does it take to start
What is Saddle Hunting? The Basics & Why You Need One
If you pay attention to hunting shows, podcasts, or just about any other hunting media you have probably at least heard of saddle hunting. Some old-school hunters have avoided trying
Is a New Moon Good For Deer Hunting? [3 Studies Compared]
As hunters, we are always looking for the best advantage we can get over whitetail. One key indicator that some hunters look to is the moon. Whether or not moon
Deer Hunting Funnels and Pinch Points
Every hunter wants to know where the best place to hang a stand is on their property. If you own the property, you also want to know if there is
What Is the Best Rifle Caliber for Whitetail Deer?
Every hunter always wants to go into the woods with the best available tools to get the job done. One of the most important tools we use is our rifles,
Buck to Doe Ratio – Is It Important?
For any hunter that wants to better manage their property, buck to doe ratio is definitely something you have heard of before. There is plenty of debate on what the
How to Hunt Nocturnal Whitetail Bucks
There is nothing quite as annoying as having a nice buck showing up repeatedly on your trail camera, but only at night. Nocturnal bucks have been illuding hunters since the
How to Find a Bucks Core Area
If you are lucky enough to get a trail camera picture or two of a nice-looking buck during the preseason, you are probably trying to work out the best way
How to Attract and Hold Bucks on a Small Property
For any hunter that is interested in habitat management that wants to start growing their very own trophy bucks, it can often be a challenge to have enough property to
Best Stand Locations for Each Rut Phase
The whitetail rut can be an incredibly exciting time for deer hunters who understand the nuances of buck behavior. As the cooler months of autumn begin to set in, new patterns will emerge among whitetail deer populations.
How to Spot and Stalk Whitetail Deer
Sometimes waiting for deer in a tree stand just doesn’t get the job done. A more exciting and involved strategy for bagging whitetail is the spot and stalk. Plenty of
Are Mechanical Broadheads More Accurate Than Fixed Blades?
Mechanical or fixed blade broadheads, which is better? This is a never-ending battle between bowhunters. Although there are plenty of comparisons online about all of the different qualities of mechanical
Can You Hunt Whitetail Deer With an AR-15?
Ever since the dawn of modern hunting, hunters have had no problem finding something to debate. What is the best tactic for hunting, the best weapon to use, the best
How Often Should You Rattle During the Rut?
Everyone has seen it on their favorite hunting shows, a guy starts rattling and then a giant buck almost immediately comes running his way. The funny thing is, it never
Tracking Whitetail Deer After The Shot
After you put in all the hard work of finding a good place to hunt, scouting it out, hanging stands, and waking up at 5am for a week straight, it
How to Use a Whitetail Deer Decoy During the Rut
Whitetail deer decoys are something that most hunters have probably not used all that much, if at all. When we think of whitetail hunting we typically think about hunting where
Does Barometric Pressure Really Affect Whitetail Deer Movement?
What every hunter wants to know is when the biggest buck on the property going to be in front of their stand, so over the years, we have started using
When Are Whitetail Deer Most Active?
Everyone has their own opinions on the secret to whitetail deer movement, and when the best time to be in the woods is. It also does not take long to
What We Know About How Whitetail Deer Sleep
Every animal has to sleep, but most of them do not sleep like humans do. With that being said, do you know how whitetail sleep? A big hunting strategy is
10 Debunked Whitetail Myths
Most of the myths and misconceptions you carry around today about whitetail deer are probably from your childhood. It was easier to believe those fireplace stories about deer from your
Are Whitetail Deer Solitary?
Whitetail deer change their behavior and who they travel with depending on the time of year. Sometimes you may see a buck by himself and other times you may see
8 Tips for Safely Hunting Alone
Hunting alone may be one of the most rewarding activities there is. You know that everything that happens is a direct result of your actions. So the rewards are so
Differences Between Whitetail and Mule Deer
Most deer may look the same to the untrained eye, but whitetail and mule deer have some striking differences. Though they share a lot of similarities, you can notice plenty
How Well Can Whitetail Deer See in the Dark?
For decades nocturnal bucks have given hunters a hard time. Of course, you can catch those bucks on camera midday during the summer, but as soon as the rut comes
Do You Need Hunting Lease Liability Insurance?
If there is one thing that is certain about hunting, it is that you never know what exactly is going to happen. If you are a landowner, hunter, or a
Do You Need Camouflage for Hunting?
Recently, the world of camouflage has become so complicated and centered around making money. Tons of brands are selling their own patterns or licensed patterns of camouflage on expensive clothing.
Why Does Deer Meat Taste Gamey?
I absolutely hate the word “gamey”. If someone says they do not like wild meat because it tastes “gamey” then they had it from someone who does not know how
Where Are the Biggest Whitetail Deer?
Most of us choose to hunt whitetails in our home state, but where are the biggest whitetail deer? If you just travel one or two states away you will see
Deer Hunting With Zero Wind
While the wind can be useful, many hunters believe it is much more important than it really is. So much so, that if it is a super windy day or
9 Deer Calls & Sounds Every Hunter Should Know
Most hunters do not realize just how vocal whitetails are. Whitetail deer make a variety of calls and sounds all year long, and each one of them can mean something
How Often Should You Grunt During the Rut?
It may come as a surprise to some, but whitetail deer are actually fairly vocal creatures and make many different sounds, especially during the rut. Using a grunt call can
How to Make Money Hunting
If your dream job is to be a professional hunter, you have probably done some research and found out that they do not actually get paid to hunt. Instead, they
Can You Deer Hunt From a Boat?
There are a million and one ways to hunt whitetail deer. If you get bored of normal hunting methods , then maybe you have wondered “Can I deer hunt from a boat?”
Is It Better to Hunt Scrapes or Rubs?
Every hunter has their own opinion or thing that works best for them. The debate on whether scrapes or rubs are better to hunt is just another one of those
How Do You Know When a Deer is Coming?
Learning when a deer is coming is possibly the most useful skill a hunter can acquire. It can take decades for a hunter to master this skill. In fact, many hunters still struggle with interpreting the natural signs given in the woods when a deer is coming.
Are Whitetail Deer Dangerous?
Whitetail can be dangerous and deadly in multiple settings. When a wild animal is chased, they will do anything to get away. We can also see the dangers of whitetail deer living in and around cities and towns. Many of them are hit by cars, causing injury to the passengers and expensive repair bills.
Hunting Whitetail in The Rain
Hunting in the rain may not sound like it is worth it to some hunters, but others have killed giants on a rainy day. Did they get lucky? Maybe. Is
Finding Public Land Buck Bedding Areas
Finding a buck bedding area can be a challenge, but finding a buck bed on public property can be even harder. Knowing how to find buck beds and how to hunt them can be a rewarding skill and will help you become a better hunter.
Hunting Big Game With Dogs | Ultimate Guide
For more than 20,000 years humans have used dogs to hunt all kinds of game. Today, it is no different. Using dogs can make us much more efficient in our hunting and also greatly increase our success. We use hunting dogs for three main purposes: tracking, chasing and retrieving a large variety of animals.
Shed Hunting Gear | 10 Essential Items For Shed Hunting
Shed hunting has become an intense sport for hunters around the country. Everyone has their special secrets to finding a ton of sheds, but if you have the knowledge but are not prepared, you may struggle to be successful. While shed hunting can be a nonchalant sport for hobbyists, if you are serious about it,…
Why Shed Traps Are A Bad Idea | Shed Hunting
During shed season every hunter wants to find as many sheds as possible. There are many different ways to do this, but one way is a shed trap. Shed traps have gained increasing popularity online, while some think it is the best way to go, others warn that it could have devastating effects.
5 Deadly Whitetail Deer Diseases |Deer Health
Whitetail populations are susceptible to a verity of diseases and parasites. Every year it seems that we have some type of outbreak that puts populations of deer around the country at risk. Although most diseases whitetails get are harmless to humans, knowing what these ailments look like could help you better manage your deer or…
Can Whitetail Deer See Orange?
Does wearing orange effect you hunt? Ever since wearing red or blaze orange became law in 1986, and later mandatory blaze orange in 1994, hunters have questioned if their game could see it or if it has a negative impact on the hunt; however, Whitetail and humans see colors differently and we use this fact…
Whitetail Mineral Supplements | Not Just Salt
Are we being sold a lie from mineral supplement brands? Do they actually help or are they just salt? They’re are good and bad brands but you have to know what to look for on the ingredients tab. Real mineral supplements work very well, but it is separating the good from the bad that is…
The Whitetail Rut | What, Why, & When
Do you know the specifics of the rut? What exactly is the rut? Why is there a rut and what triggers it? When is the rut, or how long is it? We will explore these questions and see how we can use them to your advantage in order to make you a better hunter.
Why Whitetail Bucks Rub Trees
Have you ever stopped to think why whitetail deer make rubs, or how you could use rubs to your advantage as a hunter? There are more reasons then you might think.
Can Hunting Be A Job | Outdoor Industry Careers
Have you ever wondered “Can hunting be a job”? Everyone dreams of doing what they love for a living. If you could get paid to be a hunter would you do it? Of course! But it is a lot harder than it may sound. Many professionals in the industry have spent years working very hard…
Complete Guide to Aging Whitetail Deer
Aging a whitetail in the field can be an important aspect of your hunt. Trying to hold out for a mature buck has become an increasingly popular management strategy. Every single buck is different though. Many of the attributes that we will soon learn that help us age a buck, can vary from deer to…
Melanistic Whitetail Deer: How Rare Are They?
Melanistic whitetails are the absolute rarest form of whitetail known; Although, a few hunters in parts of Texas have actually had the chance to harvest these animals. Truth be told,
19 Essential Items For Your Whitetail Hunting Pack
Every hunter has a basic load out of items that they make sure to bring every single trip. In this list, we make sure to cover every item you might
Can Whitetail Does Have Antlers?
Reading Time: 5 Minutes There are many anomalies in the whitetail world. One of them is the fact that sometimes female whitetails can grow antlers. You may have seen reports
5 Deer Hunting Myths You Believe
There are many misconceptions about deer and deer hunting throughout the country. Everyone believes that one crazy thing that an uncle or grandfather told them, and you probably never thought
Shed Hunting 101 | Tips & Tricks
Yet again whitetail season has come and gone. For those of us that already want to be out back in the woods, now we have an excuse! Shed hunting is